Flash takes one for the team.

Okay, so it was a last minute creation in the last few days before the big holiday that send me from store to store looking for the best size of Christmas lights that would fit with their accompanying wires into the partially-gutted shell of a Nikon SB24 flash.

It was a faithful servant up until perhaps 2001 and probably has lied dormant since then, outpaced by three or four newer generations of Nikon hardware. And yet, I hesitated before cutting the wires to remove the flash-head guts, forever turning a formerly faithful servant into a prop.

And, in case you're wondering, fire can be persnickety when you're trying for an even flame with raw firewood. The extra key, besides the usual fireplace tools, the well weathered, never-been-used, new yellow pages, tossed into the fire a couple pages at a time into the appropriate locations to turn lopsided burning into the warm and comfortable evenness that I hope has warmed you during a week that has been pretty cold all over the country.

Happy New Year to my treasured friends, followers clients and fellow travelers.
