Esteli 2.5 hours north of Managua

Looking forward to a more sane day of work, with only two locations to work with that are close together. Time enough to really work the situations.
Yesterday was a little nuts with a drive up to Esteli, and then ffurther into the field with a prgram agronomist who lled us to three stops, two in really, really bad light. Although my translator and CRS fellow who organized this a couple weeks ago, asked for location visits where we could shoot action, it was a little like the telephone game where the agronomist had only been told to "take them where there are plants".
The end result was moving from field to field trying to find people working with the crops that have been improved through the ACORDAR program we are photographing. Communication crossing cultural lines to get the needed images is as challlenging as getting to the actual locations when the light is still good.
With bad light, half the energy is spent directing one and sometimes two people with off-camera flash (gotta love Nikon's infrared flash remote) to fill in the shadows so that the high overhead light looked a little less awful. A day of excercising a lot of patience. Will try to post a fiew images tonight...
