Favorites and memorable images of my 2013.

Best of news and news-feature work 2013
    It was an incredible year for photography.

    It is no easy task getting together my favorites of 2013.

    It was a year filled with frenetic, tense, mournful and light moments.

    Incredibly wonderful, incredibly sad.

Favorites in commercial/business/healthcare 2013
     Opportunities to photograph the passion of controversy, a visit by a president, the sad honor of documenting historic and tragic loss of firefighters, funny and poignant moments in the the life of our Valley and many new experiences making capturing interesting and fun views of Arizona businesses.

Please click on the photographs to see, first the rest of news and other photojournalistic work and second, the best of commercial, business and healthcare 

    Again, I want to thank all of those who have helped accomplish these moments, thanks to those who allowed glimpses at a difficult time, and to those who make it possible for this to be my job.
