Dipping into my black and white past, to a profound moment in my career that solidified my pursuit of documenting the work of humanitarians, I'm not sure the last time I showed these images of the Rwandese I'd met while working at the AmeriCares clinic in Buranga, Rwanda in 1994.
We would only later learn the true depth of the horrors that transpired during the three months that began in April of that year, but I might imagine I could see it to some degree in the faces of the people who received treatment at the clinic and the children who played nearby or called the compound home, temporarily.
Just before this trip, a long-retired veteran of photojournalism reminded me to "photograph the eyes" and I that advice reverberated in my head as I met these folks and made pictures that have, so far, withstood the test of time.
Please vote for my collection of my NGO images and help raise my profile in the One Life photography competition at: http://rickdelia2.see.me/onelife2012#.UCkaNjftWGR.facebook
To vote, click "collect me" button.
We would only later learn the true depth of the horrors that transpired during the three months that began in April of that year, but I might imagine I could see it to some degree in the faces of the people who received treatment at the clinic and the children who played nearby or called the compound home, temporarily.
Just before this trip, a long-retired veteran of photojournalism reminded me to "photograph the eyes" and I that advice reverberated in my head as I met these folks and made pictures that have, so far, withstood the test of time.
Please vote for my collection of my NGO images and help raise my profile in the One Life photography competition at: http://rickdelia2.see.me/onelife2012#.UCkaNjftWGR.facebook
To vote, click "collect me" button.